To swipe or not to swipe that credit card in your local sex shop is the question. Sure it’s convenient, possibly, if you have an adult sex shop within driving distance of your home. But that’s the crux isn’t it? It’s in your home town, where everyone knows your name and your shame. For those without inhibitions, who cares? However, it’s not all about privacy and keeping gossip to a minimum. There are other reasons to shop online for your kink and fetish supplies.

The benefits of shopping for sex toys online

No Operating Hours

24/7 is pretty nice when you want to peruse some new toys to try out. Any time you are feeling in the mood to pick up a new Adult DVD or replace your small flogger with a larger one, you can do so whenever the mood strikes you.

No “Out of Stock” There’s nothing worse than making your way downtown in inclement weather, dodging creepy dude hanging around the outside of the shop, and looking very furtive while going in only to find that all that trouble was for naught. Your reason for being there is “currently out of stock.” Online shopping has the benefit of just simply going to a different online shop, or waiting for notification when it does become available. Another bonus is there is much more of a variety to choose from. An onsite shop has only so much floor space, but a warehouse can be stocked to the rafters offering you many more choices.

No Pushy Salespeople

You can shop to your heart’s desire without having a commissioned-paid clerk creep up behind you to push the over-stocked inventory into your shopping cart. You can search for online reviews for honest opinions before you invest your hard earned and cold hard cash because it’s not like you can return the unsatisfactory bullet the sales lady insisted you’d love when you really wanted the new multifunction dildo with water-proof features. There are some items that are just un-returnable and non-refundable.

No Dodgy Downtown

Most sex shops are located in shady parts of the decayed area of town. No girl feels safe going to the boarded-up, graffiti-decorated part of the city to get her favourite flavoured body paint, or browse for a new vibrator.

No Embarrassment

Do you have a special kind of kink, taboo or fetish that makes you blush? Some of us would like to keep our strap-ons and anal plugs to ourselves and not show and tell with the rest of our local community. Perhaps the clerk is a daughter of your co-worker and you would like your purchases to remain anonymous.

No Fear

No matter what your purchase, when you’re an online shopper, everyone’s anonymous. You can purchase that blow up sheep doll and no one will be the wiser. It’s your life and you shouldn’t let anyone keep you from living your sexual fantasies out in the privacy of your own home.

No Prying Eyes

Even if you do manage to purchase your item with discretion, your car is still parked out in front, and the bag in your back seat is like a mini billboard to advertise to your neighbors when you’re coming home. Getting packages from Get Sex Toys means discreet boxes without any shipping labels that give away where and what purchases lie within.